Kanye and Spike Jones, one of the most creative and amazing directors have teamed up to create a short film entitled, "We Were Once A Fairytale". All week I have heard about it and finally I have gotten a chance to actually see it for myself. I must say, it is the MOST creative and intriguing short film I have EVER seen! It evoked in me so many different emotions and portrayed a powerful story in a matter of minutes, as a short film is supposed to. Art is a beautiful thing, and the most beautiful aspect of it is that it is up to its viewers to determine what it means. It is up to you, to interpret it. Art never has one interpretation. Therefore, I just want to give you a little glimpse into what I interpret the short film meaning. Basically, I see the short film saying that Kanye and his life was once a fairytale. His fame, his "sanity", his love life, everything he ever thought or knew as a reality was once a fairytale. He's beginning to lose sight and grip of this "fairytale". This fairytale is no longer a fairytale. It is changing into something else, something else that he did not forsee. He no longer identifies with this "fairytale". This fairytale is sickening, together they are no longer happy. This "fairytale" must undisguise itself for what it truly is. They were once a fairytale, but he has to say his farewells.
(Got the vid from my dear friend's blog http://dakiddbreeze.blogspot.com/)